Following the Franciscan tradition of seeking common ground with people of other faiths, the Alvernia Interfaith Pillar strives to instill the resources for welcoming an inclusive dialog to promote interfaith conversations on campus. These interfaith conversations occur on campus through collaborations across the university and within the Reading community along with special programming throughout the year.
On-Campus Programming
Celebration of Faith
Our Franciscan heritage calls us to embrace other faiths and cultures. As Alvernia increasingly grows in diversity and acceptance, we feel it is essential to have active roles in bridging the gaps between different faith backgrounds and perspectives inside and outside the classroom.
يدعونا التراث الفرنسيسكاني إلى اعتناق الأديان والثقافات الأخرى. مع نمو ألفيرنيا بشكل متزايد في التنوع والقبول
نشعر أنه من الضروري أن نقوم بدور نشط في سد الفجوات بين الخلفيات الدينية المختلفة ووجهات
النظر داخل وخارج الفصل الدراسي. هدفنا هو توحيد الديانات السماوية. فلنكن يدا واحدة.
A Common Heart Program
A Common Heart was created by three congregations, St. Benedict’s Roman Catholic Church, Reform Congregation Oheb Sholom, and the Islamic Center of Reading, with the support of Alvernia University and Reading Berks Conference of Churches, for the mutual goal of understanding and appreciation for the three Abrahamic faiths.
Class visits by the Office of Mission and Ministry
To foster a greater understanding and appreciation of other religious cultures and traditions, our Mission and Ministry staff is happy to visit academic classes throughout the year and invites them to participate in spiritual activities.
Off Campus Programming
Interfaith Hike
The Interfaith pillar hosts a hike during the Fall Semester to give the Alvernia community an opportunity to connect with nature on a spiritual level with people from all faiths. Lunch is included.
Chapel Crawl
This program presented in conjunction with Residence Life is held during the spring semester.
Attending local Interfaith events
- Interfaith Philadelphia
- Respect Graduate School (Bethlehem)
- Ramadan Dinner at the Islamic Center of Reading
In addition to our regular programming, we are always looking for more opportunities to engage our students in Interfaith activities on campus and with the wider community.