B.A. in Psychology, Elon University
B.A. in Human Services, Elon University
M.A. in Applied Developmental Psychology, George Mason University
Concentrations in Cognitive Development and Sociocultural Theories
Ph.D. in Applied Developmental Psychology
Concentrations in Socio-Emotional Development and Atypical Development
Introduction to Psychology
Human Development Across the Lifespan
Child Development
Research Methods
Senior Seminar in Psychology
Psychology of Play
Learning in Early Childhood
Socio-emotional Development
Self-Regulation and School Readiness
Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Lange, R. Way, E., Rampson, P. & Heinze, A. (in press). Write club: The formation of junior faculty in the Franciscan intellectual tradition. The AFCU Journal: A Franciscan Perspective on Higher Education.
Denham, S. A., Bassett, H. H., Brown, C., Way, E., & Steed, J. (in press). “I know how you feel”: Preschoolers’ emotion knowledge contributes to early school success. Journal of Early Childhood Research
Denham, S. A., Bassett, H. H., Way, E., Kalb, S. C., Warren-Khot, H. K., & Zinsser, K. (2014). “How would you feel? What would you do?” Development and underpinnings of preschoolers’ social information processing. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 28, 182-202.
Denham, S. A., Way, E., Kalb, S. C., Warren-Khot, H. K., & Bassett, H. H. (2013). Preschoolers' social information processing and school readiness: The Challenging Situations Task. British Journal of Developmental Psychology.31, 180-197.
Denham, S. A., Kalb, S. C., Way, E., Warren-Khot, H. K., Rhoades, B. L, & Bassett, H. H. (2013). Social and emotional information processing in preschoolers: Indicator of early school success? Early Child Development and Care.183, 667-688.
Denham, S. A., Bassett, H. H., Way, E., Mincic, M., Zinsser, K., & Graling, K. (2012). Preschoolers’ emotion knowledge: Self-regulatory foundations, and predictions of early school success. Cognition & Emotion, 26, 667-679.
Denham, S. A. Bassett, H. H., Mincic, M.M., Kalb, S. C., Way, E., Wyatt, T., & Segal, Y. (2012). Social emotional learning profiles of preschoolers' early school success: A person-centered approach. Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 178-189.
Way, E. L. & Rojahn, J. (2012). Psycho-social characteristics of children with prenatal alcohol exposure, compared to children with Down syndrome and typical children. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 24, 247-268.
Denham, S. A., Kalb, S. C., Way, E. L., Warren-Khot, H. K., Rhoades, B. L., & Bassett, H. H. (2012). Social and emotional information processing in preschoolers: Indicator of early school success? Early Child Development and Care, 182, 1-22.
Denham, S. A., Bassett, H. H., Way, E., Mincic, M., Zinsser, K., & Graling, K. (2012). Preschoolers’ emotion knowledge: Self-regulatory foundations, and predictions of early school success. Cognition & Emotion, 26, 667-679.
Denham, S. A. Bassett, H. H., Mincic, M.M., Kalb, S. C., Way, E., Wyatt, T., & Segal, Y. (2012). Social emotional learning profiles of preschoolers' early school success: A person-centered approach. Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 178-189.
Hastings, E. C., Karas, T. L., Winsler, A., Way, E., Madigan, A., & Tyler, S. (2009). Young children’s video/computer game use: Relations with school performance and behavior. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 30, 638-649.
Way, E., & Winsler, A. (2006). Scaffolding. In N. J. Salkind (Ed.). The encyclopedia of human development. Vol 3. (pp.1102-1103). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Winsler, A., Feder, M., Way, E., & Manfra, L. (2006). Maternal beliefs concerning young children’s private speech. Infant and Child Development, 15, 403-420.
Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Way, E., & Umpleby, J. (2003). Parental guidance in a cooking activity with preschoolers. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 24, 75-89.
Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Way, E., & Umpleby, J. (2002). Guided participation in a cooking activity over time. Early Child Care and Development, 172 (6), 547-554.
Way, E. L. (2015, March). Awareness of the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure among undergraduate students. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
DeRosato, M. Mansfield, A. Way, E. & Matteo, E. (2015, March). Social media use among older adults. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Philadelphia, PA. (Student submission)
Way, E. L. & Matteo, E. (2014, June). Social and emotional factors in self-reported quality of life amongst older adults. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Adult Development Conference, Boston, MA.
Way, E. Rampson, P., Heinze, A., & Lange, R. (2014, June). The social network of Saint Francis: Formation of junior faculty and integration into the larger university community. Symposium presented at the Association of Franciscan Colleges and Universities Conference, Aston, PA.
Way, E. L. & Matteo, E. (2014, March). Relational aggression and subjective well-being in older adults. Paper presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Boston, MA.
Druetto, K. M., Wilt, S., Way, E. L., & Matteo, E. (2014, March). Roles of social support in coping with aggression in older adults. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Boston, MA. (Student submission)
Foronda, T., Matteo, E. & Way, E. L. (2014, March). Ambiguity among staff members of senior centers. Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Boston, MA. (Student submission)
Piszczek, N. Wilt, S., & Way, E. (2013, April). Who has the final authority? Poster session presented at the Kutztown University Annual Psychology Student Research Conference, Kutztown, PA. (Student submission)
Way, A., Geiger, L., Way. E. (2013, April). Motivational patterns in children. Poster session presented at Kutztown University Annual Psychology Student Research Conference, Kutztown, PA. (Student submission)
Way, E. L. (2013, January). Connecting with the community through applied experiences in research methods coursework. Presented at the National Institute on the Teaching of Psychology, St. Pete Beach, FL.
Way, E. L., & Rojahn, J. (2010, August). Emotion recognition in FASDs and Down syndrome. Poster presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
Way, E. L., & Rojahn, J. (2010, March). Facial emotion recognition in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Poster session presented at the Gatlinburg Conference on Research and Theory in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Annapolis, MD.
Kalb, S. C., Way, E. L., Wyatt, T. M., & Denham, S. A. (2009, April). Preschool affect and behavior: Predictors of relationship quality in kindergarten. Poster session presented at the biannual meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Denham, S. A., Bassett, H. H., Wyatt, T. M., Kalb, S. C., Mincic, M. S., Perna, A. M., Segal, Y., Morris, C. A.S., Brown, C. A., Way, E. L., & Warren, H. K. (2009, April). How preschoolers’' social and emotional competence predicts their school-readiness: Development of competency-based assessments. In J. A. Griffin (Chair), The Interagency Consortium for School Readiness Outcome Measures (ICSROM). Symposium presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.
Denham, S. A., Bassett, H. H., Kalb, S. C., Way, E. L., Warren, H. K., & Brown, C. A. (2008, June). Emotionally competent, self-regulated preschoolers and “getting ready for school”: What matters and in what context? In C. Blair (Chair), School Readiness from Start to Finish: Enacting Emotion Knowledge and Social-Information Processing to Achieve Competent Behavior. Symposium presented at the Head Start National Research Conference, Washington, DC.
Mincic, M., Segal, Y., Morris, Way, E. L., Warren, H. K., & Morris, C. A.S., (2007, May). Attachment, parent-child emotion communication, and middle schoolers’ propensities to forgive. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Society for Prevention Research, Washington DC.
Winsler, A. Feder, M., & Way, E. (2003, April). Parental attitudes and beliefs concerning children’s private speech. In A. Winsler (Chair), Awareness, attitudes, and beliefs concerning children’s private speech: Perspectives from children, parents, and teachers. Symposium presented at the meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Tampa, FL.
Way, E., Karas, T., Madigan, A., Tyler, S., & Winsler, A. (2002, April). Videogame playing,parental monitoring, and children’s academic performance and behavior problems. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference on Human Development. Charlotte, NC.
Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Way, E., & Umpleby, J., (2002, April). “Let’s make a big daddy cookie again!” Continuity and change in guided participation over time. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference on Human Development, Charlotte, NC.
Vandermaas-Peeler, M., Way, E., & Umpleby, J., (2001, April). Preschoolers’ guided participation with mothers in a cooking activity. Poster presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Minneapolis, MN.
Way, E., Umpleby, J., & Vandermaas-Peeler, M. (2001, March). Maternal scaffolding of preschoolers’ cooking activities. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Lexington, KY.
Way, E., & Vandermaas-Peeler, M. (2000, April). Scaffolding & guided participation: A follow-up study. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Missoula, MT.
Umpleby, J., Gilliam, J., Carter, K Fonville C., & Way, E. (2000, April). Playful work: Student leadership in the Honors Classroom. Presented at the Southern Regional Honors Council Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
Invited Addresses
Matteo, E. & Way, E. (2014, December). Emotional intelligence, coping with challenging people, and self care. Workshop given for Berks County Health Center, Reading PA.
Way, E. & Matteo, E. (2014, October). Student undergraduate research: Social development and functioning psychology lab. Alvernia University Cedar Hill Salon Series, Cedar Hill, PA.
Matteo, E. & Way, E. (2014, March). Social development and functioning psychology lab. Presentation to Alvernia University Board of Trustees, Reading, PA
Matteo, E. & Way, E. (2013, October). Dealing with difficult clients. Workshop given for Berks Encore, Reading PA.
Way, E. & Matteo, E. (2013, July). Gay, lesbian, transsexual, and bisexual needs for the senior population. Workshop given for Columbia Cottage, Wyomissing, PA
Way, E. L. (2013, May). Who’s drinking and should we care? Alvernia University Cedar Hill Salon Series, Cedar Hill, PA.
Way, E. L. (2010, July). The struggling child: An overview of disorders that emerge in childhood. Workshop given for Williams & Connolly, LLP, Washington, DC.
Way, E. L. (2010, May). You CAN do it!!! Promoting healthy self-esteem and resilience in your child. Workshop given for Williams & Connolly, LLP, Washington, DC.
Way, E. L. (2010, January). Disciplining your young child. Workshop given for Williams & Connolly, LLP,
Alvernia University Afiliations:
Co-Director of the Social Development and Functioning Lab (create link back to lab webpage)
Psychology Club Advisor
Alvernia Sexual Assault Prevention Peers (ASAPP) Advisor
Women and Gender Studies Faculty Liaison
Professional Afiliations:
Berks Early Care and Education Council
Executive Committee
Professional Development Committee
Salvation Army Reading Corp’s Mañana Program Advisory Council
American Psychological Association
Division 33 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Division 7 Developmental Psychology
Society for Research in Child Development
National Association for the Education of Young Children
Pennsylvania Association for Early Childhood Education