Sponsored by Alvernia University

The Foster Grandparent Program is a federally funded program through Senior Corps, a branch of the Corporation for National and Community Service. Alvernia University is the Berks County sponsor for this national program.

Foster Grandparents help children in the community develop the academic and life skills that are critical to their development and future successes. Sharing time and experience, foster grandparents help children learn to read, prepare younger students for school readiness, tackle tough subjects and make decisions that keep them on the right path. The program, which is open to volunteers 55 years and over, matches skills and passions to opportunities of interest in the community.

The program began in 1965 with 800 volunteers in more than 45 institutions. Today, nearly 30,000 volunteers help 280,000 children through the network of organizations. Formal experience in tutoring or mentoring is not required. Orientation and training are provided by the organizations prior to service.

Tax-free hourly stipends, paid vacation time, mileage reimbursement, and supplemental/accident/liability insurance are provided during service.

For additional information or to join the program please email Holleran.center@alvernia.edu or call 610-790-2884.

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Holleran Center for Community and Global Engagement